Friday, August 1, 2014

I have been a writer all my life but pretty much only at work. When cancer struck two weeks ago, I found words tossing around in my brain as I woke in the morning and from the many naps I am already taking. So I decided to blog.

The title? Damn it, I have things I want to do and a little rectal cancer is not going to get in the way. I will be healed, ASAP.

News from Hell

What I thought was a garden-variety hemorrhoid bothered me for several months before my surgeon suggested doing a biopsy. With that word, the Earth stopped spinning for a second. It is a word everyone dreads but there it was. I am a practical sort and tried to be rational and reasonable about life for the next few days. But when the pathology results came back positive, I confess I wailed for a few minutes.

Life immediately became a whirlwind of bone scan (negative), CT and PET scans (which showed lymph node involvement in the left groin), blood work, etc. A central port for chemo was installed near my right shoulder, and I had initial appointments with the radiological oncologist. Chemo and radiation will begin on August 11 or August 18. Radiation treatment requires more planning and will be the driver for the start date.

Retirement—or Not

Innisfree Garden, Millbrook, NY
June 2014

I awoke this morning, August 1, with the thought that today was to have been the start of retirement. Freedom, midweek days in the garden, visits to granddaughter Jessica and her family in Spokane, leisurely trips—again on weekdays—to museums in San Francisco, more frequent trips to New York to visit Dan and Aimee and wallow in the wonderfulness of NYC and environs. This retirement date had been planned since May. But it was not to be.

Instead, I started disability leave on July 29. The good news is that chemo and radiation will only last 5 or 6 weeks before re-evaluation. Cross your fingers for good news!!


  1. Good to hear the process is moving quickly. Beat the hell out of it Katie!!!
    Huge Hugs!

  2. I'm glad you're doing this blog. It will keep us all posted and give you a chance to vent. I'll be reading daily and thinking good thoughts.
    Love and hugs, Sylvia

  3. I'm glad you are doing this too Katie!
    Today marks day 1, you are laying the pavement for your road to recovery. That POS cancer doesn't stand a chance with you lady. Head up, keep strong positive thoughts, kick it the hell out of it, write about it, rest & recovery, for retirement awaits. You have friends who are at your beckon call to help---- so DO whenever you need us.
    hugs here too.....Paris

  4. Love the title of your blog--we'll all be thinking positive thoughts for you! And thanks for the update. This is a good way to keep in touch, and I think it's quite brave of you.

  5. Thank you, everyone. With your support and love, I'll beat this thing!

  6. I'll be following your blog. July 29 has special significance to me. Besides, who could resist your straight-from-the-heart writing style? Onward, by all means.

  7. Dear Katie,

    Attitude is everything, and nothing's going to stop you! I'm proud to be on your team of supporters! We're with you all the way!

    P.S. LOVE that blog name! : )

  8. Katie,
    Thanks for sharing your emotions, thoughts, and experiences with us. Your book group buddies are pulling for you!

  9. Aloha Katie,
    I am shocked and dismayed to hear of this obstacle to your happy retirement. I can see that there is an outpouring of love and support from family and friends. I add mine, from your old Hawaii home. I am also sending you a cool breeze from a green draped, cloud cloaked mountain side.

    1. How I would love to be hiking on a green-draped, cloud-cloaked mountain side with you, Nelson. Let me know of your next hike, drag a G&T along, I'll have one on this end, and we will toast to decades of friendship. Love and aloha, Katie

  10. Cynthia gave me your blog address, Katie. Just want you to know lots of love and positive thoughts are coming your way. Sharon

  11. Katie, I am so sorry to hear this--I had no idea you were going through this ordeal. I'm thinking of you with love and hope and looking forward to having some of our adventures together, as we have talked about.
    Love, Nora
