All You Need is Love
Oh my. One has friends and good friends and decades-old, finish-each-others-sentences, can-you-believe-we-did-that-when-we-were-17 friends. And now when I need it the most, it seems that every last one one them is there for me. The outpouring of love and concern and aloha is far beyond anything I could have imagined. I know it's "just" words, but those words bring tears to my eyes. Thank you.Modesty? Forget That
Yesterday morning I spent 15 minutes lying on my belly with my trousers down as radiation planning was under way. I have my first tattoos—woo hoo! But don't get too excited. They are tiny, freckle-sized things that I gather will serve as guides when I have radiation.I have commented more than once that I'd much prefer cancer of the elbow. (My apologies to anyone who has had cancer of the elbow and knows far better than I how difficult it is.) I at least wouldn't have to expose my plump, cellulite-y nether regions to the universe for radiation. I know, I know. I am immensely grateful for the wonders of radiation therapy but geez Louise.
Plus I wouldn't be sitting on a tumor the size of a walnut. I remember years ago when I was a mere child of 25 reading Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon Days and thinking it was so funny when Lars Larsson or Sven Svensson or another of Keillor's wonderful characters was on a fishing trip with buddies while sitting on a hemorrhoid the size of a Concord grape. He suffered silently while I chuckled. There's a lesson here, friends. Never laugh at anyone, even a fictional character. It may come back to haunt you.
And it's a wrap for today's musings. I will spend the rest of the day in the yard, reading on my side, and otherwise avoiding sitting on my walnut-sized tumor. Cheers!
Honestly, have you not seen the enormous butts roaming around? I would think the radiologist was happy to work on your cute little tushie.