Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wiped Out!

Just when I was thinking that week two of chemo was going better than the first, I got sideswiped by mind-numbing fatigue. On Tuesday, I was driving home from radiation down our little lane, evidently dropped off, and whacked a garbage can waiting to be emptied. It crunched the mirror on the passenger side. I'm glad it was only a garbage can! Scary. Al drove me yesterday and as soon as I got home, I crawled into bed and stayed there until this morning. He is my chauffeur from now on.

Tomorrow marks the end of week five. The radiation folks are prescribing one cream after another and they help some. But - butt - none of them heals the damage you know where. Ouch. That will have to wait until this process is over.

I am getting to know other patients with radiation appointments around mine. One is a young woman who has had recurring tumors in her saliva glands. In the past, the cells were removed with no chemo or radiation follow up. The hope this time is that radiation will truly destroy it, zap it into submission. She has a very hard time talking and eating but is always ready to share encouragement and affection. Another woman being treated for breast cancer looked very familiar. It turns out she used to drive the commuter bus from Stockton to the Lab. A small world gets smaller and ever more loving.

xoxoxo, Katie


  1. Yikes.... scary about the whacking the garbage can incident, better to have a chauffeur at this point, maybe make it fun and have him wear a fancy hat and you sit in the backseat?

    Katie, everyday marks another step forward! Sending strength your way....

  2. Ditto on that offer - I can help too!

  3. Hang in there, Cookie. It will get better!

  4. Glad you have friends nearby to help out. Thinking of you often.....
